katherine kerr of the Hermitage, her site


Welcome to the online demesne of katherine kerr of the Hermitage, sometime Scots Borderer, wordsmith, mistress of the page both electronic and printed, and ever-hopeful reveller.

I am pleased to have a home for my notes, research and musings on these Current Middle Ages here at the edge of the Knowne Worlde. (And if that sentence makes you blink, you probably need to know more about the Society for Creative Anachronism, the international historical research and recreation group, of which I am a member.)

If you'd like to talk about any of the areas covered on this Website, with questions, comments or suggestions, lay on! (That is, email me.) The original navigation is creaking a bit under the load, but the site search function at left should get to you the right place if you use the right term....

Latest Update: November 2022

Some stuff newly put online:

In response to the days of full COVID lockdown, here is a group of letters and other documents from a slightly different timeline, outlining the adventures of the Baskin Kerrs:
A Fateful Trip: the Caribbean Voyage from the Baskin-Kerr Archives

A&S Challenges: Variety Pentathalon, Gubbins, Heraldic

There's something about an A&S challenge that really appeals to me -- it might be the variety, the chance to learn or try out new things, the motivation to get on with a stalled project, the competitive streak even if that's only just with myself...(e) all of the boave.

I've amassed over 50 different projects in the past three years or so as the Barony ran a series of inspirational A&S challenges. Take a look at them here, in my new A&S Challenges section. There's a lot of stuff, a lot, divided up roughly into subject areas:

It all began with the AS50 Challenge, which kept me occupied for seven years and still provides ideas for research and projects.

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The material on this Website, except where a third party is acknowledged, is copyright to Vicki Hyde.
If you'd like to use anything from it, please contact me.